Wrinkle correction around the eyes

procedures for skin rejuvenation around the eyes

Skin folds in the lower and upper eyelids appear due to age changes in the epidermis. After 25 years, skin cells and muscle fibers lose their natural elasticity, skin turgor decreases, soft tissue falls in the periorbital area.

Innovative cosmetology techniques will help remove skin folds around the eyes, "crow's feet" and lines of expression.

Removing injection wrinkles

Procedures for removing eyelid folds are performed in a cosmetology office under the supervision of a specialist. The active substances or the fat cells themselves are injected into the periorbital area using a small-diameter needle.

After the injection, the epidermis is smoothed by replenishing the intercellular space or blocking muscle fibers. Other injection methods speed up the metabolic processes in the epidermal tissue, increasing the production of natural collagen and elastin in the skin. Injection methods are described below.


Mesotherapy is used after the first signs of eyelid skin aging: deep and superficial wrinkles. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, water-lipid metabolism is restored, and skin color becomes healthy.

Procedure: Intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid are given in the periorbital area. Along with it, the solution contains amino acids, enzymes, vitamins. The result of manipulation: deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin of the eyelids is tightened, the face looks younger. The effect of mesotherapy becomes noticeable after 15 to 20 days.


Botox injections are a classic method for solving deep lines of expression. The neurotoxin complex is injected into the skin, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which the muscle fibers relax the side of the circular muscle of the eye. The effectiveness of this method lasts up to six months, after which it is recommended to repeat the procedure.


According to the biorevitalization technique, it is similar to mesotherapy: hyaluronic acid is injected into the epidermis. The difference is that with mesotherapy, the effect is not long-lasting, because in addition to acid, the solution contains substances that are not synthesized independently at the cellular level. During biorevitalization, one week after the injection, there is active production of hyaluronic acid itself, which restores the eyelid skin and lifts it naturally. The procedure can be performed on girls and women from 25 years of age.

Contouring of Nasolacrimal sulcus

Contour correction is applied at the first signs of aging, as well as dark circles under the eyes. It is important that the effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure. Technique: A cannula is inserted into the skin through a small puncture, which reduces the risk of hematoma from the procedure. Hyaluronic acid gel is injected deep under the muscles. As a result, the bags can be removed, the skin smoothed and the eyes restored to their former youthful form.

Hardware methods to combat wrinkles

This wrinkle removal method is suitable for shallow changes in the epidermis. With the help of special devices in the skin are activated metabolic processes that promote regeneration, increase muscle fiber turgor.

RF lift

The procedure is not inferior to plastic surgery, it is performed without damaging the skin. Principle of operation: high-frequency radio waves activate the production of natural collagen in the middle layer of the epidermis. As a result, skin cells and muscle fibers "stick". As a result, the skin becomes supple and supple, and the aging process slows down. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 6 months.

Laser therapy

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia: an analgesic cream is applied to the eyelids. Skin rejuvenation with a laser beam around the eyes removes the upper dermis to a depth of 130 microns. As a result, after several procedures, the epidermis is completely cleansed of the outer layer of cells, the production of new cell structures at the level of the basal layer is activated. Laser technique for removing wrinkles is performed at the site of facial wrinkles, age-related changes in the skin of the eyelids.

Photo restoration

The method of correcting visual defects on the skin around the eyes is based on the use of a certain frequency of light. A light conductive gel is applied to the periorbital area, after which the eyelid skin is treated with short flashes of light. Photojuvenation procedure is not suitable for women with dark skin. The method of removing wrinkles with a light beam has a long-lasting effect - the skin of the eyelids remains elastic and tight for three years.

Chemical peeling is not to be missed from classic cosmetics.

Chemical peeling

The essence of the chemical peeling procedure: organic acid is applied to the skin around the eyes and the keratinized particles of the epidermis are dissolved. Due to the active ingredients of the acid, active growth of cells in the basal layer of the skin begins, metabolic processes at the cellular level are stimulated and fibroblasts are formed. As a result, the dermal layer thickens, the skin is saturated with moisture and the protective functions are strengthened, which prevents the removal of fluid from the intercellular space. Mild organic acids are used for the procedure. The effect of the procedure lasts about two months. It is then recommended to repeat the chemical peeling.