Plasmolifting (PLAZMOLIFT) is the latest regenerative method in which human plasma is injected into the binding part of the skin.
Using this rejuvenation method, the skin acquires a fresher look, wrinkles are smoothed, small cosmetic defects are eliminated. Plasma lifting is performed by both men and women, currently this procedure is one of the most effective to look younger and more beautiful.
Plasma lifting: advantages and disadvantages of the method
The essence of plasmolifting is that in order to restore a person, his own plasma is injected into his dermis. Because there are platelets in the blood that are responsible for skin regeneration, only the part of the plasma that contains the most useful substances is used for injections.
Plasma lift technology was invented several decades ago in Japan, but with each passing day it is becoming more complete and safer and is already used all over the world. Thanks to this technique, many people were able to get rid of dry skin, wrinkles and other cosmetic problems that prevented them from living and looking beautiful.
The advantages of plasma lifting, unlike other lifting methods, are as follows:
- Efficiency. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure: the skin will become tighter, wrinkles (also deep and mimic) will become less noticeable. In addition, the aging process of the skin will slow down.
- Painlessness. Plasma injection will not hurt more than any other injection (into a vein or finger) while anesthesia is being used during the injection;
- Safety. Blood rejection is completely ruled out, as the plasma itself is used here, and no rehabilitation period is required after the procedure;
- There are practically no contraindications;
- Does not cause an allergic reaction.
How the plasma lifting procedure is performed:
- You must first prepare a biochemical blood test delivery. The day before, you should not eat fatty or fried foods, as well as exclude foods that contain preservatives;
- Perform a blood test for biochemistry and collect useful plasma in a special tube;
- After the blood is divided into poor, rich plasmas and erythrocytes by useful substances, the plasma that is most saturated with useful properties is selected. The whole process takes no more than 15-20 minutes;
- Immediately after the removal of the rich plasma, an injection is given, which produces collagen and hyaluronic acid, resulting in a tightening of the skin and a more attractive appearance.
- The whole procedure, including blood collection and sorting, takes about an hour.
Plasmolifting at home cannot be done because this procedure requires special expensive equipment and, above all, good medical knowledge.
Disadvantages of plasma lifting:
- High costs of the procedure;
- Not suitable for people who are afraid of blood sight.
The plasma lifting procedure can be performed in the following areas of the body: the area around the eyes, scalp, face, neck, décolleté.
- Raising facial plasma will help get rid of the signs of skin aging and fatigue and improve blood circulation. In facial plasma lift, the injection is given directly into the area of skin that needs to be regenerated.
- Plasma hair lifting will improve blood circulation in the scalp, as a result of which hair will stop falling out, gaining natural shine and softness. Sometimes this procedure can cause mild pain, but it is quite rare.
- Plasmolifting with pigmentation perfectly frees the skin from age spots, but after the first session they become lighter and more invisible. This is because enriched plasma affects the active production of melanin in the skin.
- Plasma lifting for pimples is effective even when inflammation and acne are in the acute stage. The beneficial substances effectively eliminate the causes of acne, the complexion becomes better and skin problems disappear.
- Lifting the plasma for alopecia effectively affects the hair follicles, which makes the hair stronger, improves blood circulation and reduces hair loss.
- Raising the plasma for the rosacea will allow you to get rid of large pimples by acting on the harmful subcutaneous accumulation sites using the beneficial substances in the plasma.
- Plasmolifting for psoriasis is one of the most effective methods of combating the disease, getting rid of painful exfoliation, spots and, most importantly, helps prevent the original source of the disease.
Lifting plasma during pregnancy and lactation is not contraindicated, but as the effects of this procedure on the baby have not yet been studied, it is still worth refraining from this procedure.
Rehabilitation after plasma lifting is virtually unnecessary as this method of recovery involves internal injections. Experts recommend eating more healthy vegetables and fruits after lifting the plasma, but there are no specific recommendations.
Indications and contraindications for plasma lifting

Indications for plasma lifting procedure:
- Skin aging process and other age-related changes;
- Reduced skin elasticity;
- Dry, flaky skin
- Age from 25 years when the first wrinkles appear;
- Presence of postpartum stretch marks and stretch marks resulting from rapid weight loss or gain;
- If you have had a laser or chemical peel and need skin rehabilitation;
- Pimples;
- Excessive hair loss.
There are also contraindications to the plasma lifting procedure:
- Viral hepatitis;
- Diabetes;
- Severe inflammation of internal organs;
- Blood diseases;
- Pregnancy;
- Mental illness
Plasma lifting side effects may occur if you are allergic to the metal from which the injection needles are made. In addition, there is a low risk of developing any viral illness, so you should only apply for this procedure at a tested and well-established clinic.
Skin care after lifting plasma
The frequency of the procedure depends on the problems to be remedied. It usually takes 2 to 4 procedures with a 7-day interval between them. After plasma lifting, a slight swelling and redness may occur, which usually disappears within 4 to 5 days.
The results of plasma lifting can be seen after the first procedure: the skin will become firmer, fine wrinkles will smooth out, and the complexion will become much better. Care after the plasma lifting procedure consists of the use of good cosmetics, moisturizing and anti-aging creams. It is also not recommended to visit the sauna and sunbathe within 3 days after the plasma lifting session.
The effect of such a rejuvenating course is sufficient for at least 8 months, after which the skin aging process will still be significantly slowed down.
Only the most positive reviews can be seen about the plasma lifting procedure: many people have tried many ways to look better, but only plasma lifting helped them achieve the desired goal, look young and beautiful.